If we can keep your product going for just one more day, not only does it reduce landfill. But in enables you to continue using your much loved gear for a lot more time to come.
Consumers invest in a high quality brand, and with this comes an expectation that the product can be repaired or restored.

Our Mantra

Our Mantra

If we can keep your product going for just one more day, not only does it reduce landfill. But in enables you to continue using your much loved gear for a lot more time to come.
Consumers invest in a high quality brand, and with this comes an expectation that the product can be repaired or restored.

Send your old gear our way and we’ll give it another life.

Our business model is purely to provide brands and distributors with a range of services to help them meet their sustainability goals.
We repair and restore for the every-day user and aid brands and distributors with an after sales service using sustainable methods. 
We are taking small steps to giving a longer, or second life to a created product, reducing landfill and striving to meet our target of becoming a zero waste business.