If your product is no longer fit for purpose, and cannot be repaired to function as intended, we will accept many no longer fit for purpose items that we can repurpose / upcycle into something that will re-enter the economy for a second life.

Donate & Recycle

Donate & Recycle

If your product is no longer fit for purpose, and cannot be repaired to function as intended, we will accept many no longer fit for purpose items that we can repurpose / upcycle into something that will re-enter the economy for a second life.

Send end of life products back and we will give it another life

We use these discarded apparel and textiles and turn them into either renewed products, upcycled materials or recycling feedstock for future repairs, giving an item a new footprint. 
By renewing, recycling and repurposing, we want to take a small step to giving a second life to a created product.